Since it was established in 2006, CWS has focused its distribution on the on trade channel, setting up a national distribution organization with 4 sales offices, allowing the company to manage direct sales and delivery to its customers. Over the past 10 years, CWS has gained significant market shares and has become one of the three leading players in the on-trade channel of the Chinese market. As of end 2020, CWS has also strongly developed its operation in regions through efficient nettwork of Chinese regional wholesalers. Mid 2021, CWS acquired Drinkuaidi, a bar and online-delivery platform based in the very center of Shanghai. End 2019, Elan settled a new subsidiary in Hong-Kong CWS H-K. The main suppliers of CWS Mainland China (Dourthe, Deutz…) have transferred their distribution rights in this territory to CWS-HK. The new structure benefits already from a network of existing clients and a comprehensive portfolio of more than 50 brands and suppliers. The structure is managed by Wilfried Sentex, who has brought to the company his solid experience in the wine business in Hong Kong. Francisco Henriques, shareholder of Elan, is CWS General Manager in China since 2011.
CWS web site : www.cws-wines.com